Gasps and Sighs: Our Inhales and Exhales
Have you ever taken notice of the way your breath changes throughout your day? What does it do when you’re stressed? What about when you’re relaxed?
Did you know your inhalation is associated with your fight or flight response (sympathetic nervous system) and your exhalation is associated with your rest and digest response (parasympathetic nervous system)?
That’s why, when we’re scared or shocked, we GASP (inhale!) and when we’re calm and relaxed, we sighhh (exhale). This can be a great tool to help regulate our emotions during the day!
Our natural breath has 4 parts:
(Trust me, trying to breathe without those holds feels like hyperventilating.)
Pay attention to your natural breath. Do you tend to hold your breath longer at the top of the inhalation, or at the bottom of the exhalation?
If you’re feeling particularly chill and shanti-shanti, you’re probably holding after the exhalation for longer. If you’re stressed, there’s a good chance you’re holding after the inhalation.
Switching to a longer exhalation hold can help calm you down—test it out next time you’re stuck in rush hour traffic!